Mindset Conquers All - Focus on your intentions, your behaviours and get results - My Personal Story
Mindset Conquers All - Focus on your intentions, your behaviours and get results! - My Personal Story!
The one thing I have learnt from all my failures and my past is that mindset is key. That is why for the past 3 years I put my personal development and mindset as one of my top priorities! If you enjoyed this episode then please leave a rating and review and I will see you on the next one!
What Is Covered? My Relationship with a Healthy Mindset. My Relationship with Money Vs Success, Happiness and fulfilment. Remove Negativity. Why Mindset is the key to everything. It is easy to have a negative relationship with money and different stages in your life. You can grow to hate your business and feel trapped. Feed your mind, not the Monster. How stress can lead to Death – Talk to Someone! January 2016 – The New Opportunity that changed my life Express yourself! – Never bottle Anything up. Work on your Mind and personal development. What Key moments have there been in your life around Mindset? If you need help, I am a Coach and would love to help anybody who feels they have been through or are going through anything similar to what I have. Channels Visit Financial PRO website www.financial-pro.com Follow Gary Das on Facebook and Instagram