Dr Jack Kreindler, Founder CHHP - Optimising Entrepreneurial Health & Performance

Dr Jack Kreindler, Founder CHHP - Optimising Entrepreneurial Health & Performance

By Ed Stephens

Jack is the founder of the Centre for Human Health and Performance on Harley Street in London. Formally trained as a doctor but not constrained by it, Jack vexed his superiors by persistently dabbling in ‘silly computer stuff’ and spending time with Douglas Adams, creating the universe in ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’. This 'silly computer stuff' turned into several venture-backed companies and couple of exits. But the 160-hour working weeks it required to be a doctor and an entrepreneur, left Jack physically and mentally spent. He used the returns from his companies to start the Centre for Human Health and Performance where his world-class team helps elite athletes, cancer patients and now entrepreneurs to optimise their health, wellbeing and performance.
Dr Jack Kreindler, Founder CHHP - Optimising Entrepreneurial Health & Performance
Dr Jack Kreindler, Founder CHHP - Optimising Entrepreneurial Health & Performance
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