Fury in Puerto Rico with Julio Ricardo Varela

Fury in Puerto Rico with Julio Ricardo Varela

By Chris Hayes, MSNBC & NBCNews THINK

Last week the Governor of Puerto Rico resigned after hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in two weeks of sustained protest. Leaked inappropriate texts between Gov. Ricardo Rosselló and his inner circle provided the spark, but corruption and deeper frustrations on the U.S territory kindled the fury of citizens into mass mobilization. This week journalist Julio Ricardo Varela explains the political history and dynamics of Puerto Rico and what pushed people to take to the streets and demand a change in leadership. 
“Politicians think Puerto Ricans are dumb. But we know the debt crisis is their doing” by Julio Ricardo Varela 
 "At Puerto Rico protests, Ricky Martin and Bad Bunny joined the 'Rick renuncia' fight. Here's why." by Julio Ricardo Varela
Destruction in Puerto Rico with Naomi Klein (June 19, 2018) 

Fury in Puerto Rico with Julio Ricardo Varela
Fury in Puerto Rico with Julio Ricardo Varela
Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast