Abolishing Prisons with Mariame Kaba

Abolishing Prisons with Mariame Kaba

By Chris Hayes, MSNBC & NBCNews THINK

What if we just got rid of prisons? The United States is the epicenter of mass incarceration – but exactly what is it we hope to get out of putting people in prisons? And whatever your answer is to that – is it working? It’s worthwhile to stop and interrogate our intentions about incarceration and whether it enacts justice or instead satisfies some urge to punish. Prison abolitionist Mariame Kaba wants us to explore some truly radical notions that force us to inspect those instincts towards punishment. Hear her dismantle what she calls the current "criminal punishment system" and instead employ the ideology of restorative justice.
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Abolishing Prisons with Mariame Kaba
Abolishing Prisons with Mariame Kaba
Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast