Geodesic Gimp Mask (Short Treks: Ask Not)

Geodesic Gimp Mask (Short Treks: Ask Not)

By Uxbridge-Shimoda LLC

When the shortest of Short Treks explodes on impact, it's time for cadets to trust their guts. But when Thira Sidhu has a choice to trust her Captain or her gut; She must take 5 minutes to raise a phaser or unlock the shackles. Will the tests be more elaborate in Disco season 3? How big is engineering, really? Is Anson Mount going to be in the final Tarantino film?

It's the episode that let's you bring note cards to the test!

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Geodesic Gimp Mask (Short Treks: Ask Not)
Geodesic Gimp Mask (Short Treks: Ask Not)
Greatest Trek: New Star Trek Reviewed