Where to next for Smart Cities and Communities? (Part 6)

Where to next for Smart Cities and Communities? (Part 6)

By Zoe Eather

I'm back with another bonus episode of the podcast that brings together multiple guests answers to the question "Where to next with Smart Cities and Communities?" And this time I'm sharing with you the answers from MOVE-ember guests, plus a number of our guests from earlier this year: Scott Shepherd in Episode 139 Rachel De Sain in Episode 142 Samson Williams from way back in Episode 107 Kylie Nixon in Episode 97 Prugya Maini 109 And David Catalovski from Episode 140. The theme of the month, MOVE-ember has been about moving from old ways of doing things to new, in healthcare, in local government, in transport and mobility and in human behaviour. The themes in this mix of guest answers are similar. Whether it's in data governance and privacy, or investment in infrastructure and new frameworks and policies for government and how they interact with citizens and private companies, these guests agree that we need to be considering the opportunities and the dangers of this hyperconnected society we now live in, and then re-imagining how we do things in response. Ultimately, its about making the places we live, work and play more accessible, liveable and sustainable for all, and isn't that what we wall want? I hope you enjoy these guests' reflections on where they see Smart Cities and Communities heading in the future, and as always we hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as I enjoyed making it. Find the full show notes at: www.mysmart.community Connect with me via email: hello@mysmart.community Connect via LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook @SmartCommHQ The Smart Community Podcast is produced by Perk Digital.
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