E463 David Pack of Sprout Lending
Today I’m joined by David Pack, someone that’d I’d proclaim as a guru when it comes to business lending and funding. David is a Funding Manager for Sprout Lending, a marketplace lender that takes a unique approach to providing funding. Listen today to find out why David says managing cash flow is the most important skill for any entrepreneur and how his company helps business owners secure the capital necessary to grow a company. We dig deep into how loans are actually approved, why revolving credit is key, and why doing your research will pay off in the end. If you’d wish connect further with David, reach out to him below: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005699325682 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-pack-b13467159/ Email: dpack@sproutlending.com
Do you have questions, comments, concerns, or episode requests? Email me at ryan@ryanniddel.com to share!
Do you have questions, comments, concerns, or episode requests? Email me at ryan@ryanniddel.com to share!
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