Trump and Evangelicals with Mark Galli

Trump and Evangelicals with Mark Galli

By Chris Hayes, MSNBC & NBCNews THINK

Why do white evangelical Christians support President Trump? They delivered him 81% of their votes on election day and consistently give him higher favorability ratings than any other voting bloc. As former Christianity Today editor-in-chief Mark Galli puts it, white evangelicals elected Trump to be their champion. So these were the exact people Galli hoped were listening when he published a stunning op-ed titled “Trump Should Be Removed from Office”. It was a daring departure for the signature publication of white evangelicals and the piece immediately attracted huge amounts of attention. For Galli, the President had crossed a line and he felt it was time his community reckoned with that fact. But will they?


Trump Should Be Removed from Office by Mark Galli

The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind

Trump and Evangelicals with Mark Galli
Trump and Evangelicals with Mark Galli
Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast