Cubicle Creep

Cubicle Creep

By Slate Podcasts

Prudence is joined this week by New York City based writer, Jaya Saxena. She's currently on staff at, and her essay collection Crystal Clear is forthcoming from Quirk Books this year. Prudie and Saxena dig into letters about what to do when you discover a coworker has been tracking your attendance, actions and wardrobe, should you fake a baptism to appease your grandmother, what to consider when your boyfriend violates your trust by touching you after you told him not to, how to handle coworkers who treat you like their children because of your age, how to tell your conservative parents that you’ve been secretly living with your boyfriend.  Slate Plus members get an additional mini-episode of Dear Prudence every Friday. Sign up now to listen.  Join us for a live Dear Prudence at The Bell House in Brooklyn on Thursday, April 23rd at 7:30PM! Tickets Email:  Production by Phil Surkis Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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