Episode 70: Our Friends In The North

Episode 70: Our Friends In The North

By Chris Kendall/Steve Bullock

Alviina Alametsä (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/204335/ALVIINA_ALAMETSA/home#detailedcardmep) is a Green Party MEP from Finland. She took up her seat only in February 2020, after it was vacated by a departing UK MEP. Cakewatch likes to think that she took one previously occupied by a Faragist. Alviina's particular policy interests are public mental health and conflict resolution, so who better to talk about tackling the Brexit aftermath? Alviina draws on her own experience as a survivor of a school shooting to inform her campaigning work to improve access to mental healthcare for young people in particular. In a world facing climate emergency and coronavirus, not to mention Brexit and populism, we look at how policy generally fails to factor in the mental health impact, and what can be done at EU level to address this. Mind, the mental health charity (https://www.mind.org.uk), offering help and advice to you if you are suffering from depression or if you are looking for advice on how to help someone who you think might be depressed. Special Guest: Alviina Alametsä.
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