The Pandemic Behind Bars with Josie Duffy Rice

The Pandemic Behind Bars with Josie Duffy Rice

By Chris Hayes, MSNBC & NBCNews THINK

How is the pandemic playing out in jails and prisons? Insufficient health care, a lack of protective gear, and the fundamental inability to physically distance have created inescapable outbreaks. Those incarcerated are at the center of some of the top coronavirus hot spots in the country. And as lawyer and president of The Appeal Josie Duffy Rice points out, these systems are porous; an outbreak in a jail could mean an outbreak in the community. So what can and should be done for the incarcerated populations? And what broader inequities are we seeing with the criminal justice system in the midst of this pandemic? Listen to Josie Duffy Rice to find out.

The Pandemic Behind Bars with Josie Duffy Rice
The Pandemic Behind Bars with Josie Duffy Rice
Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast