232 // 5 Micro-Improvements to Help You Manage Stress

232 // 5 Micro-Improvements to Help You Manage Stress

By Rachael Kable

Hello and welcome to episode 232 of The Mindful Kind podcast. 

In this episode, you'll learn five micro-improvements that can help you manage stress. A micro-improvement is a small change you can implement into your life. The idea is to become "just 1% better than yesterday."

Here are the micro-improvements in the episode:

1: Start each day with a mindfulness technique, like placing a hand on your chest and feeling your breath moving in and out of your body

2: Do  a regular social media detox

3: Get a dose of natural light

4: Take "personal thinking time" each day to give yourself space to observe and process thoughts and feelings

5: Write down one positive memory from each day

Head over to my blog to read the full article about 15 micro-improvements to help you manage stress: https://www.rachaelkable.com/blog/micro-imporovements-to-manage-stress

Thank you so much for listening and I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind. 

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