203 - What Can Solidarity Look Like Among People of Color? (Part 1) with Lisa Sharon Harper
In this episode of the Be the Bridge podcast, founder Latasha Morrison and public theologian Lisa Sharon Harper discuss the implications of America’s historical narrative gap, Lisa’s journey to discover the stories of her ancestors, and how we can build bridges from our nation’s past to become more present.
“Scripture itself, particularly the biblical concept of shalom, is not about domination but rather about servanthood of the other—service, protection, and cultivation of all.” –Lisa Sharon Harper“Race as a construct was created to determine one thing on this land that we call America: Who has the divine call and the capacity to exercise dominion on this land.” –Lisa Sharon Harper
“In order to understand where we are today, we have to look at where we were yesterday.” –Latasha Morrison
About Lisa
Lisa Sharon Harper is the founder and president of Freedom Road, a groundbreaking consulting group that crafts experiences that bring common understanding and common commitments that lead to common action toward a more just world. Lisa is a public theologian whose writing, speaking, activism and training has sparked and fed the fires of re-formation in the church from Ferguson and Charlottesville to South Africa, Brazil, Australia and Ireland. Lisa’s book, The Very Good Gospel was named 2016 “Book of the Year” and the Huffington Post identified Lisa as one of 50 Women Religious Leaders to Celebrate on International Women’s Day.
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