There’s No Uhuras in Red Squad (DS9 S6E22)

There’s No Uhuras in Red Squad (DS9 S6E22)

By Adam Pranica and Benjamin Harrison review Star Trek

When a Noh-Jay Consortium business trip runs afoul of a Jem’Hadar attack wing, only the Little V can save them. But when the no grownups allowed crew start to indoctrinate Nog, it’s up to Jake Sisko, boy reporter, to bring everyone back to their senses. What’s the big deal about sunrise on the moon? Don’t those pills belong in a museum? What amenities are available in a Starfleet escape pod? It’s the episode that is thermally cool, but not socially cool. Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Prophets! Support the production of The Greatest Generation. Music by Adam Ragusea & Dark Materia  Follow The Greatest Generation on Twitter, and discuss the show using the hashtag #GreatestGen! Facebook group | Subreddit | Wiki Sign up for our mailing list!
There’s No Uhuras in Red Squad (DS9 S6E22)
There’s No Uhuras in Red Squad (DS9 S6E22)
The Greatest Generation