It's Always a Problem for Kirk (TAS S1E1 / S1E5)

It's Always a Problem for Kirk (TAS S1E1 / S1E5)

By Uxbridge-Shimoda LLC

When The Enterprise encounters a dead star and an old pod ship it's not long before the crew belt-up and investigates. But only time will tell what happens when they encounter an ancient fart! And on another journey Kirk and co. battle with a familiar foe... The TRIBBLE! Does a unique color scheme help a new trek medium? Can Klingons just say what they want? Are cartoons supposed to leave you feeling existential dread? It's the episode that's double the fun, with half the budget!

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It's Always a Problem for Kirk (TAS S1E1 / S1E5)
It's Always a Problem for Kirk (TAS S1E1 / S1E5)
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