117: Porky the Protester
It's time for the latest riveting look at Life on Planet Porky with Mike Parry and Lesley-Ann Jones. Today they discuss: magic mushrooms, raindrops, Neil Sedaka, climate change, the ozone layer, Peter Green's bizarre life, the latest development in the Harry and Meghan soap opera, Princess Diana's extraordinary legacy, Paul Burrell, the 'Olding' Stones, Twitter, losing your partner to a multimillionaire, the French Revolution, the mystery of Mrs Macron, Iman (the former Mrs Bowie), Ellie Goulding, the appeal of ginger hair, cosmetic surgery, eco-warriors and prime ministerial vanity projects.
Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode, with new ones dropping every Tuesday and Friday.
You can follow the show on Twitter: @PlanetPorky while Porky is: @MikeParry8 and Lesley-Ann can be found: @LAJwriter.
Meanwhile, if you'd like to send a question or comment you can email: planetporkypod@gmail.com. We'd love to hear from you.
Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode, with new ones dropping every Tuesday and Friday.
You can follow the show on Twitter: @PlanetPorky while Porky is: @MikeParry8 and Lesley-Ann can be found: @LAJwriter.
Meanwhile, if you'd like to send a question or comment you can email: planetporkypod@gmail.com. We'd love to hear from you.