Merfolk, Underwater Kingdoms, and the Mysteries of the Deep Part 2 with Amanda B

Merfolk, Underwater Kingdoms, and the Mysteries of the Deep Part 2 with Amanda B

By Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

Welcome back to Discovering Truth with Dan Duval and this week we are following up with Amanda Buys and Priscilla with the continuation of the previous show. In today’s show Amanda will empower believers with the knowledge of how to legally shut down portals and ritual grounds. Priscilla will share a redemptive testimony on how she strategically implemented this knowledge. As referenced in the previous show, Amanda Buys will be talking about the Hippocampus, Kabbalah Tree, and a whole lot more! If you didn’t listen to part one, it is linked at the bottom in the description. Don’t miss this program!  Expect to hear Amanda and Priscilla talk about: AI programming on a quantum level to connect to the worldwide webBiblical references of Yam, Rahab, Abbadon, Leviathan, Tiamud, Venus, Dagon, etc.The Babylonian system has infiltrated the Catholic ChurchEvil marriage covenants are for trading into dominion that God only gave humanityGod through His spoken Word has changed chaos (Tiamud or Yam) back to orderProgramming labs in Antarctica are connected to Hollow Earth The struggle to access memories from the hippocampus is because of fallen entities tamperingHuman 3.0 is in line with the transhumanist & transgender agendasMermaids pull people under the water to bring them to underwater ritual sites for sacrifices And so many more truths… Merfolk, Underwater Kingdoms, and the Mysteries of the Deep Part 1
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