187 - Bad Habits - Jud Brewer (rebroadcast)

187 - Bad Habits - Jud Brewer (rebroadcast)

By You Are Not So Smart

In this episode, Dr. Jud Brewer, a neuroscientist and addiction psychiatrist, discusses bad habits and how to change them.

He is the author of The Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to Smartphones to Love -- Why We Get Hooked and how We Can Break Bad Habits -- and his TED Talk on how to change a bad habit has more than 12 million views.

But...we talk about so many other things in this episode. It's a free association smorgasbord of brain stuff that will rattle your head.

::: Show Notes at YouAreNotSoSmart.com :::

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187 - Bad Habits - Jud Brewer (rebroadcast)
187 - Bad Habits - Jud Brewer (rebroadcast)
You Are Not So Smart