EP 20: Charlotte William, Influencer
Charlotte Williams, the founder of Seven Six Agency, joins us remotely to share the stories that made an impact on her life, how and why she started her influencer marketing agency Seven Six to specifically help those within the BAME community. Also, her agency is currently crowdfunding to money to grow the business so please follow the link (below) if you'd like to help out:
https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/sevensix-agencyCharlotte and Seven Six Agency can be found on:
Instagram: @charlottesevensix Twitter: @TheStylum Website: https://sevensixagency.com/Music by:
ES_Awaken the City - Emily Rubye ES_Site Specific Memory ES_Almost Over - Eric FeinbergAnd, as always, don't forget to subscribe, share, like and/or comment because it really does help us grow.
Blacticulate x