Hot Beef!
“It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question” Eugene Ionesco Hopefully he’s only half right… but this week we are entirely in your hands and answering your enlightening questions that have been coming into the inbox in recent weeks. In this correspondence special Susie and Gyles are tackling migraines with essential oils, finding out how chickens keep sneaking into phrases, and wondering who in the heavens was Betsy? Susie makes the ineffable effable and the whole thing 'pans out' to be pretty ‘decent’. Plus HOT BEEF will become your new favourite expression. A Somethin’ Else production Susie’s trio: Thermopot - a lover of hot drinks Pollicitation - an offer made but not yet accepted Lanspresado - the person who turns up in the pub having “accidentally” forgotten their wallet If you want to get in touch with Gyles and Susie then please email
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