144: A hard pill to swallow

144: A hard pill to swallow

By Planet Porky

Never mind finding water on the moon, it's time to find another episode of Planet Porky in your downloads. 

Today Mike Parry and Lesley-Ann Jones discuss: potentially heading for a second lockdown, why the Norwegians retire early, Scandinavia, who might win the US election, whether JR Ewing may have brought down the Berlin Wall, Gary Numan, autumn, why you are as seasonal as the weather, John Cleese, Oxbridge, the Kardashians taking a huge holiday, Denny Laine, birthdays for the Le Bons, Mick Jagger's proclivity for other people's partners, Barbra Streisand, plastic surgery, and constantly living in fear. There's nothing to scare you here though on Halloween, it's the perfect treat - it's Planet Porky.  

Don't forget to subscribe and download from your favourite provider so you never miss an episode; with new ones dropping every Tuesday and Friday.

Follow the show on Twitter: @PlanetPorky or Mike is: @MikeParry8 while you can find Lesley-Ann: @LAJwriter.

Or you can email us questions or comments to: planetporkypod@gmail.com. We'd love to hear from you! 
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