EP14 Charlie Baker - Too cool for home school

EP14 Charlie Baker - Too cool for home school

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Talking in class is a classic way of finding yourself in detention. And Charlie baker certain has the gift of the gab. And in this episode, you are sure to witness it. The all singing all dancing Devonshire showman leads with a constant stream of dialogue that gets on a roll and doesn't stop. We talk home schooling, parent evenings and the pointlessness of learning now the internet is a thing. With a guest cameo from Charlie's daughter, this episode is a none stop giggle sesh of delicious nonsense. Follow Tom - www.instagram.com/honourabletom / www.twitter.com/honourabletom
EP14 Charlie Baker - Too cool for home school
EP14 Charlie Baker - Too cool for home school
Class Dismissed! with Tom Houghton