SLS22: Colin Gray, Podcast Trainer, and Host of PodCraft

SLS22: Colin Gray, Podcast Trainer, and Host of PodCraft

By Spreaker Live Show

Spreaker Live Show #22 for Aug 26th, 2015:

Host: Rob Greenlee, Head of Content, Spreaker @robgreenlee - rob at spreaker docom

Guest: Colin Gray, Podcast Trainer, and Host of PodCraft at and

- What is your background? Where did you grow up? How did you get started in podcasting and teaching podcasting?
- Tell us about your concept for podcast promotion called “PodPacks”?
- PodPack:
- Tell also about curated subscription lists? Curating episodes? Best episodes on a very specific topic?
- You are presenting at New Media Europe, Sept 12-13 – Session topic?
- Podcast Production: Done For You -- We Edit, Process and Publish.
- Do you help with the podcast content side? Show topics? Show formats?
- Podcast Courses: Learn the Craft -- From Novice Podcaster to Confident Broadcaster- Podcast Equipment Made Easy -- Get a free “ultimate guide” kit.
- You recommend a Great Mixer: Mackie PROFX8 8-Channel Mixer - $229 - Microphone: ATR 2100?
- Zoom H2n for my backup digital recorder – small compact recorder for $159
- What is the activity of podcasting in UK and Europe?

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