Xbox Series X/S Holiday Shortages - Kinda Funny Xcast Ep. 19
SnowBikeMike and Gary Whitta were joined this week by Luke Lohr of the Xbox Expansion Pass Podcast to talk about more launch line-up impressions, updates on some Xbox delays, and more!
00:00:00 - Start
00:04:41 - Housekeeping
00:05:23 - More Games Impressions
00:06:39 - Watch Dogs Legion Last-Gen vs Current-Gen
00:16:00 - Tetris Effect Connected
00:22:30 - Age of Empires II Battle Royale
00:28:35 - Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War on the Series S
00:41:11 - Console shortages and when more will come!
00:52:20 - Halo Infinite Update Coming Soon
01:01:47 - Future of Bethesda
01:17:31 - Cross Fire X Delayed to 2021
01:24:22 - IO Interactive working on James Bond
01:31:04 - The Kinda Funny Commmisssss Xaviar Woods and the NEW DAY are now playable characters in Gears 5 multiplayer
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