What have kids got to worry about?  Apart from Dads like us?

What have kids got to worry about? Apart from Dads like us?

By Dadsnet

Just what should our kids be worrying about? Nothing right? They should be in a state of mental bliss. Apart from when they're overtired dad puts vapor rub on their bits that is. Weirdly we explore both those topics. Also - Al's cracked the code to marital bliss. And of course, we've got new tech! Baby cameras that for some reason we're using on pets. Check them out here - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Littlelf-Security-Wireless-Detection-Reverse/dp/B086QXHQ77/ref=sr_1_3_mod_primary_lightning_deal?crid=2L1XC1GD74Q9S&dchild=1&keywords=littlelf+indoor+camera&qid=1606731546&sbo=Tc8eqSFhUl4VwMzbE4fw%2Fw%3D%3D&smid=A1EUZ6I8UU8KLE&sprefix=littlelf+in%2Caps%2C310&sr=8-3 Listen and subscribe to Don't Tell Your Mum now on Global Player or wherever you get your podcasts. Twitter/Insta/ FB @jkjasonking @thedadsnet www.heart.co.uk www.thedadsnet.com
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