Twinned and Raised by Nephilim: The Testimony of Priscilla featuring Amanda Buys

Twinned and Raised by Nephilim: The Testimony of Priscilla featuring Amanda Buys

By Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

This week on Discovering Truth we are welcoming back Priscilla and Amanda Buys, this time Priscilla will share her testimony. Daniel will talk about regions of captivity and give prayer materials to come against connections to constellations and earth systems. Amanda explains the experience of witnessing the torment symbiotic bonds had on Priscilla. Priscilla will be expressing her strong desire to want to know God intimately… don’t miss this show! TRIGGER WARNING: This is not a program for the faint of heart, nor is it one that you will want to miss if you can handle the truth. There will be a few graphic descriptions. This podcast will contain information about subjects that may be difficult or inappropriate for some audiences including young children. Expect to hear Amanda and Priscilla talk about: The “5 I Wills” in Isaiah being a part of a ritual to choose to serve SatanThe duplication of babies to be used for sacrifices, rituals, or switchingThe cult using frozen embryos for artificial wombs and surrogatesThe mind of Satan is over many members of the cult for them to continue doing evilThe nephilim being put into the womb with fetuses to make them spiritually sensitiveThe rituals that the cult uses to build up pre-Adamic iniquityThe swap between Priscilla and her twin sister at age fourThe symbiotic bond between Priscilla’s sister caused her to relive the sacrificeThe traumatic experiences throughout the process of being conceived and being birthed And so many more truths… Keys scriptures from the show: Philippians 1:6 and Isaiah 14:13-14.
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