88. Living on Planet Earth with Oliver Jeffers

88. Living on Planet Earth with Oliver Jeffers

By Global Optimism

According to new research by a team of U.S. and U.K. scientists published in Environmental Research, Fossil fuels alone are responsible for more than 8 million premature deaths annually. That’s 1 out of 5 deaths.

Let that sink in for a moment. 1 out of 5.

This figure underscores a fact absent from much public debate and discussion about climate change. While the fight to stop greenhouse gas pollution by curtailing fossil fuel use is framed in terms of how it would improve the future, it’s also true that fossil fuels are killing millions of people right now. And right now is the time to change our thinking.

But when Climate scientists and activists are continuously imploring us to ‘look at the bigger picture’ to address climate change right now, what does this mean? How do we do it?

These are questions that our Outrage + Optimism guest, Oliver Jeffers tackles in this week’s interview with Christiana, Tom and Paul, as he delves into how he performs this perspective shift by ‘simple optics’ in his award winning picture books and visual art.

Whether brought on by an experience of art, science, religious practice, grief, love or parenthood, there is a need for us all to undergo a change in perspective and see beyond our day to day concerns and routines to grow an awareness of ourselves as a human family with a shared duty to protect our Earth, our home, from growing climate catastrophe. Art like Oliver’s, provides the perfect vehicle for this transformational and necessary journey which we hope you will all join us on.

Music this week from the incredible Presidio. Listen in!

Thank you to our guest this week, Oliver Jeffers.

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Oliver delivered a series of free art classes for children (and adults) in partnership with Harrods in which he demonstrates how to draw some of his best loved characters from his books.   His website also includes more free activities for children and their families.

An Ode to Living on the Earth is Oliver’s fantastic Ted Talk.

The Moon, The Earth and Us is Oliver Jeffers 2019 art installation.

This Way Up is the upside down map that Oliver Jeffers referenced in the interview.  More of Oliver Jeffers’ art work is available here.

These are the temporary tattoos that Clay wants.

Here is the Dipped Painting Project.

Our musical guest this week is Presidio!

Stream their latest EP - ‘Telepathy’ - Listen to “Unwind”

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