Dad dancing

Dad dancing

By Lesley Riddoch and Pat Joyce

As the fault lines begin to grow between the Scottish and UK governments over quaratine regulations for arrivals from abroad Lesley reflects on her invitation to appear on LBC this morning. And I clearly demonstrate,with my lapse into incoherent fury at Andrew Pierce's juvenile remarks,why I should turn down any similar request.

The latest Savanta/ComRes poll makes very postive reading for the SNP before the May elections. Beyond the headlines though there are some intriguing findings,particularly when it comes to the "Undecideds" over independence. We reckon pro-indy parties and campaigners need to delve down beneath the surface and pay some real attenetion to these folk are and what can be done to get them over the line.

UK Labour looks like it's adopting a "wrap yourself in the union flag" strategy. Is this just as cloth eared as the  Tories increasingly ,thinly veiled, anti-Scottish utterances?

After Lesley tweeted about Andy Burnham's "Fairness" reply to what defines Britishness, the man himself got back in touch. We consider his explanation and it leads us neatly into Ballot Box Scotland's new report on Scotland's voting systems,particularly Open v Closed Lists.

All this plus the anniversary of the Mann Question, Lent, sweet temptations, and tales of the Wormit Spar.


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