36: Breaking Down Barriers To LGBTQ+ Inclusion With Ali Hendry

36: Breaking Down Barriers To LGBTQ+ Inclusion With Ali Hendry

By Sarah Taylor

Are things really getting better when it comes to LGBTQ+ inclusion and equality? When you read the news headlines and think about all the places in the world where it&aposs still a crime, or even the death penalty to be gay it can be hard to appreciate the progress that&aposs been made over the past couple of decades.

In this week&aposs podcast episode I&aposm talking with Ali Hendry, coach, corporate diversity and inclusion trainer and performance artist. 

Ali is also a co-host of the Channel 5 TV show The Lesbian Guide To Straight Sex.

We discuss the barriers to inclusion in organisations and establishments that still exist today together with the positive action that&aposs being taken to create more inclusive workplaces.

You&aposll also get some insights into what it&aposs been like for two gay women navigating the evolution of the Queer community over the past twenty years!

If you&aposre enjoying the podcast, please take a few minutes to leave us a review because the more reviews the podcast gets the more people get to hear about it and the more people we can support and help.

And if you&aposre  a coach or a wellness entrepreneur then please complete my LGBT Inclusion Survey and add your voice to creating more inclusive coaching and wellness industries.


Ali&aposs Website:  https://alihendry.co.uk/
Ali on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ali-hendry-6191b328/
Ali on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_ali_h/

LGBTQ+ INCLUSION IN COACHING & WELLNESS SURVEY: https://sarah-taylor.typeform.com/to/ET29bHCW


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahtaylorcoaching/
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Clubhouse: @sarah.taylor

Visit my website: https://sarah-taylor.co.uk/
Email me:  sarahtaylorcoaching@gmail.com

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