TKE: Measuring progress with Michael Green & a Portas round table

TKE: Measuring progress with Michael Green & a Portas round table

By Mary Portas

Michael Green is CEO of the Social Progress Imperative - an organisation that’s helping national and local government accurately measure what life is like for ordinary people. It’s a fascinating move towards measuring more than just money and ensuring the wellbeing of people is maximised. Plus, Mary chats with two of her key Portas people about what they’ve learned from working with businesses to implement the Kindness Economy, and their hopes for its future.  To purchase the Kindness Economy Report, click here: To get in touch with team Portas, email us at: Want subscribe to the Portas POV Newsletter for musings, provaction insights and inspiration? Click here: Want to keep up-to-date with all things Portas? Follow us here: Instagram: Linkedin: Twitter:
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