#72 Levi Lavallee on X Games and the Super Bowl in Minnesota

#72 Levi Lavallee on X Games and the Super Bowl in Minnesota

By PodcastOne

Action Sports legend Levi Lavallee is on Project Action with Jim Beaver and Ami Houde today. He talks this weekend's X Games and his big snowmobile jump at the 2018 Super Bowl in Minneapolis. Jim and Ami also talk 2018 Supercross as well as the latest X Games news. Follow @JimBeaver15 and @AmiHoude71 on social media and be sure to Subscribe on iTunes to their other show the Down & Dirty Radio Show.
#72 Levi Lavallee on X Games and the Super Bowl in Minnesota
#72 Levi Lavallee on X Games and the Super Bowl in Minnesota
Jim Beaver's Project Action