Hot girl summer pending: clubbing tips, bikini waxing, jealous boyfriends & small boobs in bikinis

Hot girl summer pending: clubbing tips, bikini waxing, jealous boyfriends & small boobs in bikinis

By Global

YouTubers and social media influencers, Evie and Olivia talk about everything young women discuss, sex, friendships, fashion, and sometimes they go a bit deeper too. Join the girls for a bunch of honest insights, funny anecdotes, advice and grow up and sometimes down with them. In this episode Liv and Evie gear up for June 21st (& staying positive!) Answering your dilemmas: feeling anxious in the club, pressure to socialising, sorting your hair down there, and small boob worries. Listen and Subscribe on Global Player, or wherever you get your podcasts, now! Twitter/Insta @oliviagraceherring @lovevie @growingupasd Email us!
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