Good Nature: The pleasure of not feeling guilty
In this episode we're exploring human nature and our inherent desire for pleasure, as Sink the Pink founder and professional show-off Glyn Fussell encourages us to re-examine the notion of 'guilty pleasures.' Drawing on ideas from social psychology, activism and art, we'll hear from some of the best minds on this topic about why we should celebrate our joys, no matter how fleeting or seemingly frivolous. So, let’s throw the word guilty out of the window and shake off all that shame we’ve been told to feel. This is about claiming our right to feel good. Sit back, relax and bask in your unrepentant glory. You deserve it.
Featuring; adrienne maree brown, Dr. Katharina Bernecker and the Neo Naturists; Christine Binnie, Jennifer Binnie and Wilma Johnson.
Please note: this episode features adult themes and language.
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