Transformers G1

Transformers G1

By Tom Eames and Morgan Jeffery

This time, Morgan is tackling Transformers – a vast media franchise that encompasses toys, comics, live-action movies. But he wanted to look into just his Transformers, the Generation 1 animated series from 1984.

However, it soon proved that even when just taking one element of the Transformers universe, it wasn’t exactly a quick history lesson.

In the episode, Morgan teaches Tom all about how the show was created to sell toys, its cast of colourful characters including Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, and its tremendous voice cast led by Peter Cullen.

We also discuss the series’ harrowing movie, pottymouth moments, and why its bonkers that huge Transformers can turn into tiny handguns and cassette recorders.

Tom also marvels at the musical might of Stan Bush, Morgan remembers his Flump-buying days at the local VHS rental shop, and we shudder at Optimus Prime saying “my bad” in the Michael Bay movie.

Make sure to check out all our past episodes, including installments based on other ’80s cartoon series such as Ullyses 31Defenders of the Earth, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Clips used:

The Transformers (Hasbro/Marvel)Beast Wars (Mainframe)Transformers: Generation 2 (Hasbro/Marvel)Robotix (Marvel)Stan Bush – The Touch (Scotti Brothers)Transformers: The Movie (Hasbro/Marvel)Transformers (Paramount/Dreamworks/Hasbro)
Transformers G1
Transformers G1
Two Geeks, Two Beers