#66: Burned Alive - 7 Hours of Torture (Cheshire Home Invasion Murders)

#66: Burned Alive - 7 Hours of Torture (Cheshire Home Invasion Murders)

By Stephanie Soo

A family of 4 is startled awake by two masked men - they tell them that everything is going to be okay. We just want money - that’s all. 

Slowly for the next 7 hours - it becomes clear that’s not all they want. The 11yr old daughter was assaulted. The mother was assaulted and strangled. The house engulfed in flames - all while the police were standing outside. 

“A thief in the night. I’ve come to steal NOT your jewels and money. But your personal safety, privacy, and security. I violate your inner asylum of intimacy.” - Cheshire Home Invader / Killer.

Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com

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