Episode 3: Fabulous Niche Shops and Perfume Prescriptions

Episode 3: Fabulous Niche Shops and Perfume Prescriptions

By Nicola Bonn

*This episode was first published on The Outspoken Beauty Podcast*

In this our third episode, we discuss the fragrances that we've been wearing and loving, the very best niche shops to discover the right fragrance for you, we focus in on Suzy's fragrance of the month and also give you your fragrance prescriptions which you can ask us for via Instagram (@onthescentpodcast).

Here's the list of scents and shops that we chat about during the episode:
What Suzy’s been wearing:
@lancomeofficial Lancôme Rose Peonia
@januaryscents January Scents Vaporocindro
@27_87 27 87 Wandervogel

What Nicola's been Wearing:
Miller Harris Scherzo hair mist
Fuggazzi In Love With The Cocos

Perfume Prescriptions:
@vilhelm_parfumerie Vilhelm Peony Couture
@lelabofragrances Le Labo Tonka 25
@millerharris Miller Harris
@floralstreet_ Floral Street
@jovoymayfair Jovoy
@lessenteurs Les Senteurs
@bloomperfumery Bloom
@lartisanparfumeur L’Artisan Parfumeur Mûre et Musc Extreme
@millerharris Miller Harris Lost in the City
@trishmcevoy Trish McEvoy 9 Blackberry & Vanilla Musk

@ateliercologne Atelier Cologne
@ruthmastenbroekperfume Ruth Mastenbroek Dagian
@czechandspeake Czech & Speake Villa Ausonia

Fragrant Focus:
@diorparfums Dior Diorling
Episode 3: Fabulous Niche Shops and Perfume Prescriptions
Episode 3: Fabulous Niche Shops and Perfume Prescriptions
On The Scent