671 - Joining A Coven with Author Ronit Plank

671 - Joining A Coven with Author Ronit Plank

By Christine Blackburn

Ronit Plank author of the new memoir, When She Comes Back talks about losing her mother twice to the cult leader Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh of Wild Wild Country fame and then joining a coven herself. Listen to this fantastic true story about what it's like to watch part of your family's story on Netflix and how one woman's search for spirituality ultimately created in her an extra sharp bullshit detector for coercive religions, gurus, and eerily-charismatic figureheads. 

Each week Hollywood’s most talented people in the entertainment industry share true, personal stories on the Story Worthy Podcast. Story Worthy celebrated 13 years of podcasting in July 2023 and has over 800 episodes recorded. Christine Blackburn is the creator, host and producer of Story Worthy, Story Smash the Storytelling Game Show, and My Life in 3 Songs exclusively on Spotify. 

Listen to the entire episode wherever you hear podcasts. If you get a chance, will you please give Story Worthy 5 stars and a good review on Apple Podcasts?  https://bit.ly/3Qk5UeL It always helps, thank you! 

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Follow Christine’s new show, My Life In 3 Songs. Christine talks to comedians about the 3 songs in their lives that have impacted them, then they listen to the song. Listen exclusively on Spotify-https://spoti.fi/3dpHX5X

Find My Life In 3 Songs on social media @MyLifeIn3Songs and at the website https://www.mylifein3songs.com/

PLUS! Watch Story Smash The Storytelling Game Show! Comedians spin a wheel and tell TRUE 1-3 minute stories on the topic they land. You can watch episodes from the pandemic and from summer 2023 right now on YouTube- https://bit.ly/39OoTdw

Story Smash website-  https://www.storysmashshow.com

And here's Christine  everywhere- https://linktr.ee/ChristineBlackburn


671 - Joining A Coven with Author Ronit Plank
671 - Joining A Coven with Author Ronit Plank
Story Worthy