597 - Dating a Stripper with Comedian Mark Fernandez

597 - Dating a Stripper with Comedian Mark Fernandez

By Christine Blackburn

Comic Mark Fernandez (Portland Comedy Festival, Funny is Funny) was bartending in San Diego when he met a nice girl who just happened to be a stripper. That wasn't the problem. Listen to find out the whole story and Happy New Year everybody!And please visit storyworthypodcast.com! You'll find special deals courtesy of my sponsor Scan Digital. Just go to www.ScanDigital.com/STORYWORTHY When you support my sponsors, you support me. THANK YOU! It's good karma guys!Please subscribe, rate, and review Story Worthyon Apple Podcasts here- http://apple.co/1MceZ2Q It really helps. And check out the funniest game show in LA, Story Smash! It's EVERY month at the Hollywood Improv! and it's podcast on Story Worthy. Follow me on Social Media. Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/storyworthy/ Twitter-https://twitter.com/storyworthy Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/StoryWorthy/ Christine Blackburn- http://christineblackburn.com/ Thanks guys! Privacy Policy and California Privacy Notice.
597 - Dating a Stripper with Comedian Mark Fernandez
597 - Dating a Stripper with Comedian Mark Fernandez
Story Worthy