Episode 10: The Icons Part 2

Episode 10: The Icons Part 2

By Nicola Bonn

In this episode we’re getting in our fragrant time-machine and revisiting three iconic scents – two of which were launched (incredibly!) in the 1920s. One of them got the daring Parisian flappers going and another Nicola has a very personal connection to and recently tracked down as a special present for a family member. This third icon we talk about is a modern classic from the 1980s, which was way ahead of its time in the whole ‘wellness’ scent inspiration and set a whole new trend we’re still following to this day. Amidst the nostalgia we also chat about the fragrances we chose to wear when meeting each other for the first time in-person, our accidental lingerie purchases, what we’re wearing now and the fragrance we’ve influenced ourselves into purchasing next…

Fragrances mentioned:
What We Wore to Sniff Each Other
Suzy: Ormonde Jayne Ormonde Woman @ormondejayne
Nicola: Serges Lutens Fleur D’Oranger @sergeslutens

The Icons
Molinard Habanita @molinardparfums
Clarins Eau Dynamisante @clarinsuk
Caron Nuit de Noel @caronparisofficial
Episode 10: The Icons Part 2
Episode 10: The Icons Part 2
On The Scent