Yasmin Evans and Nick Bright are in the driving seats of the podcast today while Kem and Arielle are away. Are they the coolest supply teacher duo ever? Most definitely. Can they help Kem and Arielle understand what the NVQ system really means? Absolutely not.
Ok, we're gonna cautiously say that everything seems, like, really happy and settled in the vill- oh, wait there's been a bombshell sent in there to shake everything up, never mind. The peace and quiet never lasts for long in there...
Although - there wasn't much peace and quiet in the bedroom last night. Is that a round of applause we can hear? Aw - it's nice to know that everyone's cheering each other on. GET THOSE NVQS!
Last night we saw our boys compete in the Sex Gods challenge - whether you loved or hated those lil gold pants, we can all agree that seeing Jake stuck in the lava was *priceless*. It's just a bit of cornflour, babe!
Got a life dilemma that needs solving? Well, Olivia Attwood is your woman - get your emails in to us on themorningafter@itv.com and we could get her to solve your problem right here on the podcast. We're biased, but her advice is ALWAYS on point.
Right, off to the bank to see if we can get a Business Loan to start up a sweet treats brunch place - a menu of grapes, fizzy sweets and unpeeled carrots jammed in some hummus. Who wouldn't want to invest in that?!","isAccessibleForFree":true,"url":"https://www.globalplayer.com/podcasts/episodes/7Drd6Fk/","author":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Lifted Entertainment part of ITV Studios"},"partOfSeries":{"@type":"PodcastSeries","name":"Love Island: The Morning After","image":"https://images.musicrad.io/resizer/?image=aHR0cHM6Ly9kM3dvNXdvanZ1djdsLmNsb3VkZnJvbnQubmV0L3RfcnNzX2l0dW5lc19zcXVhcmVfMTQwMC9pbWFnZXMuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL29yaWdpbmFsLzJhM2Y2NTlhNGY4Y2IwMjM5ODM0ZTI2ZjViZTA5ZTdiLmpwZw%3D%3D&width=600&signature=gJt3RY7tzT0IG5S55lT0E8In_jo="}}