Withdrawing from Afghanistan and the Impact of Global Corruption with Sarah Chayes

Withdrawing from Afghanistan and the Impact of Global Corruption with Sarah Chayes

By Chris Hayes, MSNBC & NBCNews THINK

Note: This conversation was recorded on July 27th, 2021, before the latest news in Kabul. 
Recognized around the globe for her research on corruption, Sarah Chayes has seen her fair share of corruption at play.  She also had frontline experience in Afghanistan during the events leading up to the country’s collapse. The anti-corruption activist witnessed incidents that ultimately contributed to the United States’ recent withdrawal. Chayes’ career has led her from reporting in Paris for NPR and covering the fall of the Taliban in 2001, to examining developing countries that are considered corrupt during a stint at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The prolific author has said that kleptocratic actions are an “existential threat facing our generation” and her book “On Corruption In America - And What Is At Stake” examines the myriad reasons why unscrupulous practices are prevalent across global networks, and why crisis results.

Withdrawing from Afghanistan and the Impact of Global Corruption with Sarah Chayes
Withdrawing from Afghanistan and the Impact of Global Corruption with Sarah Chayes
Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast