Episode 14 - Down and Dirty

Episode 14 - Down and Dirty

By Nicola Bonn

In this episode Nicola and Suzy are talking about fragrances that range from sensual and alluring to sexy and downright dirty.
From the more subtle fragrances with a whiff of "Come hither" to the ones that bring to mind a dominatrix's latex attire, this episode explores the world of fragrance, sensuality and sex. Prepare to get a bit hot under the collar!

Here are the fragrances that are mentioned
Kilian Good Girl Gone Bad @kilianparis
Serge Lutens Fleur d’Orangeur @sergeslutens
Michael Kors Midnight Shimmer (Discontinued!) @michaelkors
Floris Honey Oud @florislondon
Freddie Albrighton Boys @frediealbrightonperfume
Maison Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir @maisonfranciskurkdjian
Histoire de Parfums 1889 Moulin Rouge @histoiredeparfumsme
BeauFort London Rake & Ruin @beaufortlondon
Episode 14 - Down and Dirty
Episode 14 - Down and Dirty
On The Scent