Best Buy-To-Let Areas to Invest in The UK
In this episode, Kevin talks about the best areas in the UK to invest in buy to let. There are a lot of reports out there but are these relevant, up-to date and do they give you the right information to make decisions? Listen in today to hear a balanced view on various markers you can utilise to make the right investment decisions for you.
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There are many variables and measures you can use to figure out where is the best location for buy to let properties. Each will give you a different outcome, for example if you solely focus on Rental Yield then locations in the North of England will be top of the list, but if you look instead at average total rent and long term return then you will get places like Cambridge and even London! Most data you read on the internet is not written by the right people, you need to look at the source. Are people making money in property in your area? Find out what they are doing and follow the success. There are people making money in property everywhere in the UK you just need to find out what works.BEST MOMENTS
“You need to be careful where you get your information from”
"Most data on the internet is not written by the right people”
“Always start with the end in mind”
Kevin McDonnell is a Speaker, Author, Mentor & Professional Property Investor. He is an expert when it comes to creative property investment strategies. His book No Money Down: Property Invest talks about how to control and cash flow other people’s property to create financial freedom.