EP21: Refugees, remittance and the potential for ideological change with Pennsylvania State University's Professor Joseph Wright
Refugees and migrants take their path for many different reasons one of which is economic. How does the money they send back to their homes - remittance - change their families, communities and even governments? Outside of this how does their new cultural capital impact how they see the world around them and from where they travelled from?
Pennsylvania State University's Joseph Wright, along with Abel Escribà-Folch and Covadonga Meseguer have written Migration and Democracy: How Remittances Undermine Dictatorships - available in the US right now and the UK early 2022 - to look at these questions and more.
Peter and Joseph spoke over Zoom for this episode of I've Been Thinking.
Professor Joseph Wright's bio at Pennsylvania State University including links to further reading - https://polisci.la.psu.edu/people/jgw12
Peter's Oxford bio can be accessed here - https://www.history.ox.ac.uk/people/professor-peter-frankopan#/
Produced, edited and mixed by @producerneil