Why You Need a Strategic Plan & Process to Successfully Grow and Scale

Why You Need a Strategic Plan & Process to Successfully Grow and Scale

By Nick James

Recorded live at the recent Expert Empires Max Out event, in this episode, Nick shares great in-depth content about how and why you must have an effective  strategic plan if you want to be successful

Nick takes a deep dive into the strategic planning process he uses at Expert Empires and explains key elements that make the process scalable. This is a master class in how to create a strategic plan that will mean you have clarity, certainty and confidence in knowing what to do and when to do it and is a must-listen for any entrepreneur.



There are 3 key parts to having a structure in your business, vision, strategy and tactics The vision is the dream, the long term plan The strategy is the how - ‘how are we going to go about things in the mid-term’ The tactics are the fine detail Purpose – why does your business exist who does it serve? Mission – what’s the measurable journey you are on? The purpose never changes but the mission does Values the standards you set for yourself and your team Having clarity of vision is what helps you to make good decisions. Sharing the vision and involving your team is crucial Strategy is comprised of priorities, what are your priorities right now? Have a maximum of three priorities, anymore and the human brain becomes overwhelmed For each priority, you should establish what is the evidence of success, the measurables Smarts – a number of smarts or projects that contribute to the evidence for success Tactics are checkpoints through the month, quarter or year When you have a good strategic plan all you need to do is exactly what you said you would do



‘Unless there is a good strategic plan the rest of it falls apart a bit’

‘The degree to which you plan for the future depends on the phase of growth you are in’

‘This process will help you to get structure, clarity and confidence’



Empire Builders Podcast 




Nick James

Nick dropped out of university at the age of 21 and failed spectacularly with his first coaching business, which forced him to take a £16k/yr telesales job. 

Within 12 months he was the top performer and left to start his second business at 24. This time he discovered a winning formula and before long had a multi-six-figure company.

He then made a huge mistake which nearly put him out of business and cost him £50,000 in personal cash!

Fortunately, Nick kept it afloat, turned it around, and sold that business 2 years later in a seven-figure deal. 

He then co-founded a multi-million-pound marketing company, which he exited in 2015, and created Expert Empires.

Today, Expert Empires is known as the UK's number one business event for Experts, with world-renowned celebrity speakers like Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone, Chalene Johnson, David Goggins, and Lewis Howes gracing the stage.

Nick also specialises in helping Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Trainers, and Authors take their businesses from zero to six figures and beyond through his Expert Empires Mastermind programme.

















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