Infinite Helmet Diversity in Infinite Combinations of Spacesuit (STP S1E3)

Infinite Helmet Diversity in Infinite Combinations of Spacesuit (STP S1E3)

By Uxbridge-Shimoda LLC

When the Protostar skids to a stop on a class M planet, it seems like the perfect place for the crew to have their first away mission. But when the planet’s inhabitants start to give the crew the creepy-crawlies, their leadership vacuum will have to be filled in the next episode. How many Prodigy toys will the kids want for the holidays? Je suis, Murph? We’re really keeping that mouth, aren’t we? It’s the episode that doesn’t do two shows at the same time.

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Infinite Helmet Diversity in Infinite Combinations of Spacesuit (STP S1E3)
Infinite Helmet Diversity in Infinite Combinations of Spacesuit (STP S1E3)
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