68. How To Read The Stars: Intuitive Astrology with Sarah Thomas

68. How To Read The Stars: Intuitive Astrology with Sarah Thomas

By Melissa Wells

Sarah Thomas (She Sees The Stars) is an astrologer born in New Zealand yet currently based in Bali, who has read the natal charts for hundreds of people - from successful book authors, famous DJs, mums, students and people from multiple cultures and all walks of life.

Always being spiritually inclined and highly intuitive, Sarah utilises her intuition to read your astrological chart, providing a more than an average reading and resonating with her clients in a profound way, giving deep Clarity, insight and guidance around your soul's path in this lifetime.

In this episode, we discuss the happenings of the world, the collective astrological guidance, what’s going on in the stars, what’s coming for the rest of the year, navigating the Age of Aquarius, compatibility in relationships, demystifying Saturn returns and so much more.

Time Stamps

3:27 How can we really ‘trust’ astrology?
8:42 An astrological forecast for the rest of the year
23:53 Astrology and relationship compatibility
33:00 Vedic Astrology vs. Western Astrology
35:42 Demystifying your Saturn Return
39:16 Mel’s 3 questions

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Mentioned in this episode:

Sarah’s Instagram
Sarah’s website
Find Sarah inside The Goddess Collective

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