Pod 182: Ben Field Documents the Uncharted Gerry Anderson
How do you encapsulate a man's life in a ninety-minute documentary? Then, how do you capture the spirit of that ninety minutes in a short title? Never one to shirk from a challenge, director Ben Field dived in full speed ahead for the new documentary Gerry Anderson: A Life Uncharted. In this episode, Ben explains how he discovered the emotional core and sense of humour at the heart of a man strong enough to bounce back from terrible adversity. Plus, an exploration of the ethics and viability of deep fake technology. All this and so much more in this week's podcast!
01:07 Welcome to the Gerry Anderson Podcast Podcast!
04:42 FAB M40 Facts
10:10 The Phil Steer Podcast
18:00 The Gerry Anderson News! See links below
21:43 Facebook Podsteron Group Apéritif and Quickfire Five Goes to the Movies!
27:24 Benjamin Field - Part Two
53:02 Gerry Anderson Tweets!
57:11 The Randomiser presented as a gift to humanity, by Chris Dale of Kaldor
1:21:06 Wrapping things up!
Links MentionedBenjamin Field Official Site and @benjamin_field on Twitter and Instagram
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