Cuffing Season w/ Amanda Grace Jenkins - Ep.  213

Cuffing Season w/ Amanda Grace Jenkins - Ep. 213

By Dyking Out - a Lesbian and LGBTQ Podcast for Everyone!

Looking to settle down with someone in time for the long, dark winter months? Amanda Grace Jenkins from HBO Max's 12 Dates of Christmas joins us fresh(ish) off an accelerated cuffing season experiment! But is cuffing season really a thing? Is it something that people talk about but not actually practice?When does it even start? Can dating around the holidays accelerate things especially fast? Also, we get into the behind-the-scenes of Amanda Grace's reality show experience. Plus, Carolyn struggles to find a gayest thing beyond the few bars she parties at, and Melody finds a way to keep it gay while sick. Finally, we end on a question from a listener who wants her new squeeze to block and ex. -Get extra content EACH WEEK, Ad Free episodes, support the pod, and get to know other listeners by joining our Patreon community. If you can't support the pod on a monthly basis, please consider tipping us through Paypal or purchasing 1-on-1s and cameos through Jemi. We truly appreciate it! -We've got MERCH. -For related content, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram -Help more dykes find us and Leave Us a 5-star Review if you like what you hear! -Have a question that you need answered ASAP? Check us out on WISIO. -Theme song by There Is No Mountain Sponsors: Parade:, use code DYKINGOUT for 30% off your first purchase BetterHelp: As a listener, you’ll get 10% off your first month by visiting our sponsor at  Best Fiends: Join us and the millions of Americans who are already playing this game. Download Best Fiends for FREE on The Apple APP store or Google Play. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Cuffing Season w/ Amanda Grace Jenkins - Ep.  213
Cuffing Season w/ Amanda Grace Jenkins - Ep. 213
Dyking Out - a Lesbian and LGBTQIA Podcast for Everyone!