Real Housewives w/ Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya - Ep. 199

Real Housewives w/ Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya - Ep. 199

By Dyking Out - a Lesbian and LGBTQ Podcast for Everyone!

We're makin' it NICE this episode with our fave L-Word reviewer and writer, Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya! But we're not dyking out about Gen Q. We're dissecting the Real Housewives franchise for all the queer and queer-coded content it regularly serves up. These ladies are acting gay AND doing crimes, so what's more queer than that? And they're not just acting gay, some franchises have queer women amongst the cast. Also, we manage to make comparisons to The L Word. We make the case that The Real Housewives is a great show to watch with your significant other. Plus, we give our REAL gayest things from Provincetown. And we learn straight people will see what they want to see when reading your gay t-shirt. Finally, we end on one of our trickiest listener questions yet! -Get extra content EACH WEEK, Ad Free episodes, support the pod, and get to know other listeners by joining our Patreon community. If you can't support the pod on a monthly basis, please consider tipping us through Paypal or purchasing 1-on-1s and cameos through Jemi. We truly appreciate it! -We've got MERCH. -For related content, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram -Help more dykes find us and Leave Us a 5-star Review if you like what you hear! -Have a question that you need answered ASAP? Check us out on WISIO. -Like our theme song by There Is No Mountain? Subscribe to our composer/mixer's youtube channel for more beats and mixes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Real Housewives w/ Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya - Ep. 199
Real Housewives w/ Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya - Ep. 199
Dyking Out - a Lesbian and LGBTQIA Podcast for Everyone!